Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast

Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast

A Change in Plans Reunites Friends


You know how your plans can change? Well, on one of those change-of-plans days, I decided to join a friend for lunch at the Norfolk Noon Rotary Club, where I had been once before to speak about the Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast along with my co-host, Marcie. I teach piano lessons twice a week at Midwest Music in downtown Norfolk, and a student was unable to make it so I had a break to fill. I sent a text to my friend, Traci, and asked if she was going to Rotary. Her response, "Yes, I am! Are you going to join me?" I did, of course, and I'm so grateful!

Traci saved a spot for me at her table, which also happened to be where the speaker for the day was sitting. I introduced myself to her. You know, the standard, and then I asked her name. She said, I'm with the Norfolk Area Concert Association. My name is Linda Libengood.

I looked at her and said, "My Mom loves you!"

This, of course, is not your typical response. She said, "Who is your mom?"

I said, "My mom is Barbara Young."

Linda said, "Well, I love your Mom!"

You're kind of a rockstar.

I told her that meeting her was like meeting a rockstar, because I had heard her name said by my mom over and over through the years. Linda humbly laughed at that, but I assured her that it truly felt that way, because my mom had always thought that Linda was amazing in everything she did. (She has worn many hats through the years, and is very well-known in Northeast Nebraska.) My mom and Linda had traveled together in the past. Both were working in the tourism industry at the time. My mom worked for the Highway 20 Association for a time; and she loves to reminisce about her great adventures while traveling throughout Nebraska. As you can imagine, it is super fun for both my mom and Linda to know that what I do now promotes travel and tourism in the Cornhusker state.

We wanted to catch up, but didn't really have time that day. I had to leave a little early to teach my next student and she was the featured speaker, but we made plans to connect soon.

Linda and I met shortly after that first meeting. I wanted to talk to her about a sponsorship for the podcast and about the GSTN podcast sponsoring the Norfolk Area Concert Association, as well. Great things are happening there for all of us, and you can see more at:

Norfolk Area Concert Association

Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast 

Next, I asked Linda to do me a favor. I asked her to help me surprise my mom.

I arranged to meet my parents at Mary's Restaurant in Plainview. It's not an abnormal request, as I grew up eating at the original Mary's and love to eat there whenever I get the chance. My mom calls it my comfort food. Mom was truly surprised. She told me if was one of the best gifts I could have given her. The old friends, Dad included, talked about how they used to get together as much as possible, and about what they have been up to through the years. 

We stayed as long as everyone could with promises to keep in touch.

What a gift this surprise was for my mom! 

I'm so thankful for how God orchestrated a canceled lesson, a luncheon opportunity, a podcast, and a concert organization to bring these two together!

Good friends and good times, all around.

You can hear more about this story and how the Norfolk Area Concert Association is celebrating 70 years of live music in the area by listening to Episode 20 of the Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast. You can find it anywhere you listen to your favorite podcast, or on our website.


Big smiles! Linda and Barbara are reunited. Only one of them was in on it.

Speaking at Norfolk Noon Rotary Club